Monday, October 1, 2012

From strangers to friends.


She kept mad doggin' me.

It seemed like she didn't like me, I never thought we'd end up being such good friends. Meeting new people for the first time in a different environment is frightening, depending on the other person. People are full of thoughts, judgments, assumptions, and it is best to just give it a shot and get to know someone. Many times we don't realize how great a person can be. We just jump into conclusions and judge based on looks.
My best friend  at first thought I was a bitch because of  my appearance. I was surprised when she told me that like months after we were in a close friendship "Wow, if I had known you were so nice I would have started talking to you sooner!"

Many friendships start off like this or in any other way. Sometimes the other person is not that into the idea of having to talk to a stranger and doesn't keep the conversation going, which kills the good vibes and makes it awkward. Having the courage to talk to anyone is a good atribute that can actually beifit you because you will meet different people and make new friendships can last a life time. To be successful it isn't only what you know but who you know.

Being approachable is something I like in people because it makes it that much easier to interact with others. Don't be shy or afraid if they reject you just brush it off, be resiliant!


  1. You make it sound simple! I wish I can approach toward hearing people, but at same times it is hard for me. I am Deaf, I know it is not excuse to say that. I am kind of hesitant like 'ugh!'. Many times, hearing students come to me and talk to me. I have no idea what they say, I know they are friendly. I say in a respectful way, "I am sorry, I don't understand you. I am Deaf." They quickly stopped talking and leaving me. Few people would hear what I said and then they would gesture or use pen and paper. For Deaf people, I can approach toward them like hearing people do.

  2. I think everyone has experience this, i know i have. i know a lot of people judge of appearance but when you really start to talk to someone you start to notice that they have a good personality. I wish i could not judge people off of the first meeting but i do because it is natural. it's not on purpose tho. But overall i love meeting new people.

  3. Mariah brings up a provocative idea: we all, to some degree, judge each other. I have to admit that I often have initial judgments when I meet people. I have to always keep those judgments in check - if there is evidence that I am wrong (and I am often wrong!), I have to be willing to modify my opinion. But, as Mariah suggests, I have to admit that I do have the capacity to judge. It's only then that I am able to manage and revise my judgments.

    In terms of what Isabel brings up, meeting people who are differently abled, I have to keep my judgments in check , too. And what complicates matters is my inablity to communicate with those who sign or read lips. I'm glad that we have folks signing for students who can't hear - I hope that helps students like Isabel feel part of the community.

    Great thread, Karina.

  4. I loved what you said Karina, it's so true...I'm trying my best to be more open to things I have never done before like meet new people and not be shy. If I was shy, I would say what's on my mind all the time.

  5. This is so true! So many people judge others based on looks and it shouldn't be like that because you don't know how a person really is until you start to talk and get to know them. A person that you thought was rude or mean could be so nice and you wouldn't even know it.
